Why has it been over a year since I have returned to this? It is so theraputic to me. I love reading about and keeping in touch with my family on their blogs and yet I do not return the priveledge. New year, new thoughts. I really am not fond of resolutions. To make them without total commitment just because it is a new year has never faired well with me. So I like to think that I will dedicate myself to s o m e t h i n g! I did not give or volunteer the way I would have like to do this year. My excuse was being too busy. There are ways. It is so fullfilling to helping others. I guess I have really helped my friends and family but something about helping a stranger when you can. My vow, to reach out more to others.
Do I dare say to Blog regularly also. I do not have a routine set yet. My life is still in chaos after our flood. I feel a bit uprooted. I need to center myself again. Maybe that is why I come back to blog.
Aaaahhhh! I would LOVE it if you blogged again! I miss you so much and I want to know whats going on with you!
Pretty Please and Thank You!
Love you oh so mucho!
Glad you stopped by River Rock Cottage! I hope you enjoy your time there. I want to encourage you to return to blogging on a regular basis. Even when no one reads my blog it helps me get thoughts straight in my head and to have a creative outlet that keeps me excited.
I love your cover over your veggies!!!! I intend to study it carefully and try this out. I've wanted to extend the season, but never was sure what method to use. This looks both economical and practical.
I look forward to reading more!
Well, Well, Well..... Look who joined the land of online journaling again! I love it! I have missed your words, it makes me feel closer to you! Welcome back!
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